New Here

The Pastor and congregation of Christ the Victor Lutheran Church invite you to join us in worship, study, fellowship, and service!

Established in 1966 as a mission congregation, the family of Christ the Victor began and continues as a people of God, with a commitment to living out our faith in the world.

We are a warm and welcoming congregation, where you will quickly feel like you are part of the family.

Yet we also have a concern and care for our community and for reaching out to everyone with the love of Christ.

About CVLC

Sunday Worship Schedule

One Worship Service 10:00 am
Coffee & Fellowship  if planned
 Adult Sunday School 9:00 am
The Gathering Worship  Yes 2nd Sunday

We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday and invite all baptized Christians that have a simple trust that the real presence of Jesus is present in this meal to join us.